Spring 2025
(14 weeks)
Introduction (week 1)
- Logic, Type Theory, and Category Theory
- Curry-Howard, proof relevance, categorification
- Soundness, completeness, and representation theorems
1. Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus (weeks 2-5)
- Lambda theories and their models in CCCs
- Classifying category, functorial semantics
- Completeness in CCCs
- Poset and Kripke semantics
- Topics:
- Topological models, spaces and local homeomorphisms.
- H-Sets, Sheaves, Realizability
- Domain-theoretic models
- The untyped lambda-calculus
- Monoidal closed categories and linear type theory
2. Dependent Type Theory (weeks 6-9)
- Dependent types, Sigma, Pi, and Equality types
- Locally cartesian closed categories
- H-sets
- Presheaves
- Local homeomorphisms
- Completeness in LCCCs
- Kripke semantics
- Topological semantics
- Kripke-Joyal forcing
- W-types
- Polynomial endofunctors
- Initial algebras
- Coherence:
- CwFs, natural models
- Universes and the Beck-Chevalley
- Topics:
- Equilogical spaces
- Final coalgebras and coinduction
- Impredicativity, realizability models
- CwA's, comprehension categories
- Setoids and quotient types
3. Homotopy Type Theory (weeks 10-13)
- Identity types
- Fibrations
- H-S universes
- Univalence
- The H-levels: Prop, Set, Gpd, ...
- Topics:
- The groupoid model
- Algebraic weak factorization systems
- Homotopy-initial algebras
- Synthetic homotopy theory: pi_1(S^1)
Student Presentations (week 14)
- 2 talks / class meeting = 4 presentations