Steve Awodey

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Topics in Logic: Type Theory


Spring 2025

Course information


This course focuses on type theory as a formal system, as well as its functorial semantics using category theory. Emphasis will be on soundness, completeness, and representation theorems for various systems, with respect to topological, realizability, and (pre)sheaf models. The lambda-calculus, for example, is modeled by cartesian closed categories, which can be represented both topologically and using presheaves (''Kripke models''). Locally cartesian closed categories model dependent type theories. These can be strictified using hyperdoctrines, fibrations, and other tools. We shall also consider Martin-L"of type theory, including universes, inductive types, intensional identity types, as well as Homotopy type theory.


80-413/713 Category Theory, 80-514/814 Categorical Logic, or equivalent.



Course notes will be provided. The following are recommended for further reading.


Grades will be based on 3 problem sets and, for graduate students, a presentation in class.

Course materials


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Steve Awodey